boss lady.

i go back and forth with whether i like that term. like, when my niece wears a onesie with it on there, it’s the most adorbs thing ever. is it right for a thirty-nine year old mom of two boys, who is one busy mama?

know what? i don’t care. because when i sat down to write about what i’ve been concentrating on since january 1, “boss lady” pretty much sums it up.

i took a lot of time over the holidays to think about where i want re-nest studio to go in 2018. this is a question that my husband is always challenging me with. my answer usually is, “i like where it is now. i’m getting orders, i’m growing every year, and it’s a good outlet for me.” what he’s really asking is: “what happens if you get an order for 100 pieces from one person? how in the world will you handle that?”

great question, and one i still don’t have an answer to. (well, maybe my answer to that 100 orders question would be: “freak out.”) but it’s one that has made me realize that i do need to be a lot more efficient with my time, to use resources that are at my disposal to build this dream, and start asking myself, “is this going to help my business become more profitable/recognized/established?”

i won’t bore you with the little things i’ve done since the holiday (hello, quickbooks! bye, bye excel spreadsheet!), but i will share a couple of the changes you might see coming this year (and some of the things that won’t change):

• craft shows. i do love shows, and i love the chance to meet new people + share my work. but you know what? they’re a lot of work. like, a ton of work. and, sometimes i walk away with very little. i’ve also walked away with nothing. no sales. zip. nada. and, let’s not forget the pressure + work that my amazing husband absorbs when i am off at a show for a weekend. but, in the last five years, i’ve been testing markets, approaches, presentation, promotion, and more. and i can confidently say after 2017, i’ve made some decisions that i feel really good about for 2018. (hint: milwaukee, you rock. with a capital R-O-C-K. dekalb + sycamore, i love you, and i’m not going anywhere.)

a small view into the before of my craft show display. #bloodsweattears

• advertising. you can’t fault me here, this is the world that is in my dna. i’ve dabbled in the last five years. now, i’m ready to ramp it up. be ready to see me more.

• some new items. you can’t have a new year without new items, right? and, i’m super excited that the husband + i are working together on some of these new ideas. he’s so creative + inventive + supportive of who i am and my big dreams. i just love him.

• videos. this is so painful to me, because i know how important videos are. i know it. and, you know why i haven’t done them yet? because when i think, “hey! i’m going to go do a quick facebook live,” i look in the mirror and go, “blarg.” (y’all, i do whatever i can to not wear makeup on the weekends. and, sometimes during the week too.) but, for my birthday i got a super fun tabletop tripod, so keep watch. i promise y’all that i’m going to do more video.

so there. that’s what i’ve been doing this month in preparation to have one pretty bada** 2018.


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