renest life / summertime learning

{the summer responsibilities list}: how we’re trying to keep some learning + fun going this summer!

it’s summer. which for our family means a change in daily routine, where our boys are with our trusted day care provider every day while mr. + i work our full time gigs. they have a great time at day care, they love being there, but i do go a little ape-ish before summer, planning activities for both of them. if you remember from last summer, we did a little summer slide schedule to help make sure all of the good work little mr. re-nest #1 did in first grade wasn’t completely wiped out by the time school rolled around.

this summer, we’re doing something similar. and, because he’s a little bit older + i’d love to have some help around the house, we’ve added some new responsibilities this year. there’s lots of these types of “summer lists” on pinterest (check out some of my fave pinned ideas here), but i like to make up my own….with our own little special incentive!

basically, little mr. re-nest #1 has his daily to-dos – things like making his bed, brushing his teeth, taking the puppy out – and, then each day (monday – friday), we try and focus on math, writing, science or getting creative. it seems to help to have one thing that he is focused on per day, rather than trying to cram a bunch of different topics each day. and of course, to make it official, i had to get my fave sharpies out + fancy it up! our deal is: for every five days that he completes (by doing everything on his list), he earns $5 towards a disney gift card that he can take on our trip this november!

“wow in the world’s” newest super fans, lounging + listening each monday night!

{and, before i end this, i have to tell you about our favorite educational find this summer: the wow in the world podcast from npr! published every monday (and i even saw just this week that they’re upping their releases to two per week!), this podcast is quick, super fun, funny, and totally keeps the attention of the kiddos in your life. little mr. re-nest #1 + i have a standing monday night date to listen to it while relaxing in bed!}





p.s. oh. and one more thing. the boys have their own rendition of the opening theme song for “wow in the world.” which i think is kind of adorable. enjoy!



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