how we celebrated a first sleepover!

if you follow me on insta, you might have seen that we had a big reason to celebrate a couple of weeks ago: it was my niece’s very first sleepover away from mama + dad! and, if you know me, you know that my niece is my #favoritelittlegirl. so when i knew she was coming to stay the night with us, i wanted to celebrate it kinda big, and kinda extra. (shocker, i know!)

so, how did we celebrate? beyond doing all the things (manis, pedis, movie night, golf cart ride), i also really, really, really wanted to do a photo shoot. now, i’m *not* a photographer. but i have a decent iphone + a love for styling party backdrops and setups, so i figured i’d take a shot at it!

what came of it was really pretty cool. i wanted a camp vibe in our backyard that was light and bright. and, another must-have: paper lanterns in the trees!

i had to start with the tent…and, i didn’t have a stylish, cute one. so, i reached out to some friends who i thought might have one and tracked down the coolest teepee! it did have some screenprinted designs on the outside of it, but it was an easy temp fix – i picked up a couple of yards of fabric from hobby lobby that draped so easily down the sides of the teepee. and, when i was cruising past the aisles of holiday decorations, i spotted these super cute white pom pom garlands that i grabbed to add a little texture to the draping! (oh, that fuzzy stool? i grabbed that from hobby lobby too!)

next up: the ground covering. honestly, i just started grabbing blankets and pillows i had inside the house to give us a cozy, comfy, campy vibe! remember how i said i needed paper lanterns? i snagged the white and gold ones and sprinkled them around the trees to just add a little bit more to those trees!

finally, i had to add a sign. just a simple gold and white look for my adorable niece to help tell her story of her first sleepover!

i know it seems extra, but i love celebrating all the stuff. the good grades my boys bring home, the good days at work, first sleepovers, whatever. i hope you and your family find the little things (and big things!) to celebrate!


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