now that you’re here, there’s not much more of a surprise…so surprise! welcome to the brand spankin’ new look and layout and design to the re-nest studio blog!
most of you know that my day job is living, eating, sleeping and breathing the world of marketing (which i love, by the way), so naturally when it comes to building and making re-nest studio the best it can be, the website was a big deal to me. my trusty blog had totally served me well…the design and colors and graphics had worked. but in the back of my mind, i wanted to bring it all together. in the marketing world, we call it “being consistent with your brand.” (okay, enough of my nerd marketing speak…)
so, i knew what i wanted (geez, i spend enough time on blogs, i should have known what i wanted), but i just had to find someone to do it. to work the magic and make it happen. where did i go? why, etsy of course!
and i came across urban creative studio, who does graphic design, web design and blog templates for all kinds of blog platforms. we chatted, i asked a million questions (like i tend to do), and i made the leap. blog redesign was a go.
i have to say that dee dee at urban creative studio was a joy to work with. (i did explain to her what my day job is, which meant i knew just enough about what she was doing to make me a total pain in the butt…which i tried not to be!) she asked all of the right questions, asked for my likes and dislikes, and what i envisioned for this blog design. plus, she communicated with me! huge plus!
so, here it is. i think it’s more cleaned up and makes sense and is also “consistent with the brand.” oh, and don’t miss out on checking out the new pages on the top of the page too….there’s my story, some fun stuff that’s coming up, a link to the etsy store and some faqs!
i hope you like the new look and feel! enjoy!