total and complete childhood joy

one of my favorite crafts to do when i was young was making woven loop potholders for my mom, grandma, and anyone else who was nice enough to take one. i have so many memories of spending hours making these with my grandmother when visiting for the summer. there was something so cool about taking a small loom, a big bag of colorful fabric loops and ending up with the very cool 5″ x 5″ square potholder made with love.

so imagine my utter excitement when checking facebook on friday afternoon and seeing that hobby lobby (one of my fave crafting stores) had a special posting, craft feature and sale on all children’s looms and loops. (30% off!) and with the perfect timing of having my crafting guru (best friend patti) on her way to see us for the weekend (with her adorable little munchkins, who are enthusiastic kid crafters), i thought “i must pick up looms and loops. perfect way to have the kids make something fun this weekend.”

three kids (all under the age of seven), two bags of loops, two looms and four parents, and we had our potholder making party today!

my little guy wasn’t so much into weaving the loops…rather, he was all about putting them on his arm and showing everyone.

one thing i’ve learned in the past 24 hours is that not many people remember woven loop potholders. a quick tutorial….

start with your loom and bag of colorful loops

choose your color palette/pattern and begin by looping loops from one side of the loom to the other side

step one: get your one side of loops set

here comes the fun part. using the big end of the hook, take it over-and-under the loops and pull almost all of the way through…but before it’s pulled all of the way through, be sure to place a loop on the small end of the hook to pull it through. make sure the loop is hooked on the loom on both sides. repeat.

weaving loops one-at-a-time

once all of your loops are woven through, finishing off the potholder is a must. (admittedly, since it’s been about 25 years since i’ve made one of these, i had to google how to finish off the potholder. instructions are here.) but basically, you start in one corner and remove one loop off the peg. hold on to it and remove the loop next to it and weave the second loop back through the first loop. (you’re kind of “crocheting” the edges) continue to do this all the way around the potholder.

and the finished piece…a very cute potholder made with excitement and love.

i have to say this was one of the highlights of my weekend…getting to share a favorite hobby of mine from when i was young with my little young one.


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