celebrating our iron man!

gosh has this year been an odd one for birthdays. i mean, y’all know me and i love putting on a good birthday. i kind of live for it. and, having both boys’ birthdays falling during our stay-in-place orders was kind of rough. there were no parties, but we did make the best of it with a little creativity for our newest seven-year-old in the house!

by the time may rolled around, my head + my heart were back in a place where i needed to create. really since the start of 2020, i’ve found it hard to put my everything into creating. but when my little one announced he had his heart set on an “iron man” birthday, something connected in me and i was ready to go all in.

whatever celebration we were going to have was just going to be us. (note: in late april/early may, we knew the stay-in-place order was due to expire on may 30th…little man’s birthday. but we weren’t going to chance it (trust me, i was about to send up the signals to our families to just get in the car and just be here, but i just couldn’t. not yet.) so, a party of four it was going to be.

i still did it up though. i had the table set up and styled up with fun goodies, candies, popcorn and of course, the amazing cake masterpiece. oh, and i also decided that we needed to add a little (big!) something to the decor this year in the form of a balloon art “iron man” which stood about 5-1/2′ tall. let’s just say that when i brought that piece of art into the house, our little guy was ah-mazed!

let’s get to the good stuff, shall we? the pics of the day! (and, like always, i’ve got a list of my shout-outs for those who helped make this day possible!)

cake: sweet dream desserts & catering (note on the cake: that is an “iron man” toy figure coming out of the cake. i had the idea, pitched it to deanna, the cake master, and she didn’t flinch. and, she. knocked. it. out. of. the. park.)

“iron man” balloon (on the table): amazon

standing “iron man” balloon art: midwest fun factory

“iron man” birthday boy personalized shirt: tiny tee shop on etsy

party banners/backdrop/front door balloon wreath: re-nest studio



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