welcome to new little mr. re-nest #2!

yes, it’s official…little mr. re-nest #2 is here! at 39 weeks + 3 days, our little man decided it was time to make his appearance…i’ll admit it, i honestly thought this little one would be just like his older brother and not be in any hurry at all to make his appearance. in fact, mr. re-nest and i were fully ready to talk to the doctor about induction options at our next appointment.

while this is typically a creative blog, focused on home decor and things i’ve made, i figured this is the biggest thing i’ve ever made, so i’ll share the story of how he stole our hearts and made his way into the world…

it was the week of memorial day 2013…i had been working my 8-5 job from home since the week before, and waking up thursday morning wasn’t any different. little mr. re-nest #1 and i were hanging out, eating breakfast and taking our time waking up. then 7:45am came. little mr. re-nest was just about ready to go to day care. and my water broke. and of course, mr. re-nest was already at work (which is 45 minutes away, and he was about to enter a half day meeting…so i got him on the phone, and f-a-s-t.) fortunately, he found his boss, said he wasn’t staying, got back in his car and headed home to get me.

fast forward about two hours and we are at the hospital, getting checked in and confirming that what happened was really what i thought had happened. we were admitted and i knew this time ’round i wasn’t just going to stay in bed and wait for something to happen…i had been walking throughout the pregnancy and since the labor and delivery floor was a giant circle, mr. re-nest and i started doing laps….so much so that we had nurses cheering us on. after about fifty laps, i decided i needed to relax, so enter in the lovely anesthesiologist and the joyous epidural. then, a mere five hours and forty-one minutes later, our little man was here.

introducing alexander gabriel. the newest family member to steal our hearts, the one who made me a mama again, and the one who gave little mr. re-nest #1 the coveted title of “big brother.” 

alexander gabriel.
arrived 5.30.13 @ 9:41pm. 7 lbs., 9 oz., 20.5″.
and stole our hearts instantly.

so, we’ve been a bit quiet the last couple of weeks while we get used to having a tiny one in the house again. but don’t expect that to last for long….i’m a busy bee and can’t wait to share more projects i’m working on over the summer with my newest little creative inspiration!

here’s to new arrivals!


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