Tag Archive: thank-you


it’s my 5th birthday!

yep, today is a super special day! five years ago today, i officially launched re-nest studio. the facebook page went live, the etsy shop was getting shared, and i started making for so many people from california to massachusetts. this little passion project of mine has become so much more than i ever thought it…

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a (big) year in review

this time of year always brings about a feeling of nostalgia, or reflection, on what the past year has brought. and, now that i’m in vacation mode, i had to put together some words of thanks + love + just general wow-ness about what 2015 brought. because i’m sittin’ over here in my little corner…

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my well runneth over

wow. just wow. today was an amazingly awesome, fantastic, supercalifragilistic day. and, i needed to just say thank you.  the front page! today was a great day. re-nest studio, which is a dream for me, had a great little day getting some new exposure among new friends in my town. many of you saw…

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