Tag Archive: ikea


a change in taste

i had this thought as i was making our bed this morning, and really looking around our master bedroom at the furniture, the bedding, the decor. my taste in home decor has changed a lot in ten years. sure, i don’t think that sounds like a huge revelation, but i think back to our first…

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an obsession with pillows

yes, i have an obsession with pillows. why wouldn’t you? they’re comfy. they can have the coolest pillow covers made of fluffiness or velvet or cotton or chenille. and in my personal (humble) opinion, they are really make a space. i confess: we have seven pillows on our master bedroom bed. yes, seven. and mr….

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more crafty space craftiness: the magnet board!

i promised in my previous post, so i am here to deliver! the very simple ins and outs of the magnet boards little mr. re-nest #1 and i made for our crafty areas in the basement.  like many crafty things, it all started with pinterest. i came across this super cute magnet board a while…

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