Tag Archive: home-decor


a new piece for a newly refreshed home!

okay, so i can’t even believe it’s been two weeks since the last little update on this blog o’mine….it’s been cray cray around here. let’s just say that i’ve been celebrating the best kind of love with my sissy’s wedding, matroning-of-honoring (that is riddled with grammatical issues, i know!), and getting all sorts of stuff…

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happy tears!

oh my word. just wow. wow, wow, wow. my booth! i love how bright it is 🙂 this is a post of total + complete gratitude and love and hugs. if you happened to see over on my instagram account, or on facebook, that i was part of the sycamore pumpkin fest autumn craft +…

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behind-the-scenes: paint + pegboard = dorm life, redefined!

okay, hopefully by now, y’all have seen on facebook that my latest issue of invironments magazine is out (oh, you didn’t? well, first…go to facebook + like my re-nest studio page! then, click here!) now you know that my september/october issue was all about using pegboard (a garage staple) to bring organization inside your home….

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