Tag Archive: etsy


wedding gifts…with a personalized touch

the wedding gift. of course, going straight to the registry is always a great option. but going unique + personalized is always a way to go too….like a truly amazing re-nest fan just did this past week. thanks to this amazing fan, last week was totally filled with making customized keepsake wall art for two…

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tribal baby shower fun!

i love a good baby shower. and, now that i’m past that stage myself, i sort of absolutely get all giddy when others get to celebrate + welcome a new baby into the world. so, when i met a new fan at the re:craft + relic show a couple of weeks back, and she asked me…

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my top five fave handmade gifts!

i am so very late with this post. so very late. but better late than never….the holidays are wrapped up. and for the last couple of weeks, we’ve been unwrapping lots o’ toys + gifts that our boys were gifted with. and, there were some faves that i gifted to amazing friends! and, i couldn’t…

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