a life hack too good not to share…

the erin condren meal planner dashboard. #lifehacks

i’m always on the hunt for a good life hack. honestly, anything that can help make anything in this crazy life of ours easier iswelcome with open arms. (side note: my lovely sister just happens to write a life hacks column! have you ever seen it? it’s awesome-sauce + available at invironmentsmag.com!)

y’all know i’m an organization f-r-e-a-k. i love my paper planner, paper wall calendars, and my electronic calendar. anything that tells me where i’m supposed to be, what i’m supposed to do, or what i’m supposed to remember, i’m in love with. so, last year when i placed my order for my yearly erin condren life planner, i added on one of the meal planner dashboards. i’ve always used my paper planner to do my meal planning, but if i had a super cute insert specifically for the purpose? yes, please.

so, i’ve been using this little piece of genius for almost a year, and last weekend, i had a light bulb go off (when i was putting together my recent meal plan). you see, for the most part, i (kind of) cycle through the same dinner themes every week, with some new stuff thrown in. tuesday is always tacos, thursdays are usually leftovers, one night is always a meatless meal. but for those new things i was trying – and that were given two very enthusiastic thumbs up by my boys! – i needed some way to remember to have them on my recipe rotation. (because you know why i have to have a paper planner, a wall calendar, AND an electronic calendar? because my mama brain is too packed to remember everything, like the last new recipe that my boys loved.)



i was sitting there, using my phone to look up recipes, sharpie in hand to write down the dinner plans for two weeks on my meal planner dashboard, and it hit me: take a picture of my last meal plan. and save it. on my phone.


i feel super silly sharing this with y’all because it seems simple, but if you too are doing your meal plan in a format that requires you to erase it at the end of the week, here you go. take a pic. save it on your phone. you can even start a new folder on your phone like i did called “meal plans.”

alright, friends: share with me the life hacks you can’t live without!


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