Tag Archive: renest-life


re-nest life / getting the grace back

this is one of those personal posts. you know, one of those where i step outside of my comfort zone, and outside of the crafty/creative world, and share with y’all what is in my heart. what i’ve experienced that i’m guessing maybe, just maybe, one or two of you out there have gone through. my…

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re-nest life / our einstein

i’ve wondered + pondered whether i should write about this or not. but after last weekend, i think it might be therapeutic. at the end of may, our beloved furry family member, einstein, crossed the rainbow bridge to doggy heaven.  one of my very favorite pictures of him, when he was stilla youngin’ + romped…

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re-nest life / living without peanuts

i’ll start off this post by saying that i’m not gonna get all preachy here or anything (or at least try not to!). but i do have this forum and i do have several peeps who check this out when i have something new to share or say, and in the spirit of food allergy…

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