Tag Archive: re-nest-studio


re-nest studio goes boutique (and, why i heart social media!)

if mr. re-nest read that title, he would laugh his butt off. no joke. he and i have an ongoing debate over social media….the time spent on it, its worth, how it changes relationships….it’s a healthy debate (he’s anti-social media as the world’s last facebook holdout) that i don’t think will ever end. my side…

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where in the world i’ve been (or, when did fall become such madness?)

yes, that’s right. this must be some sort of rite of passage for when your child enters kindergarten or something. but this fall has been insane in the membrane. (so cheesy, i know). every single week, i’ve had “write blog post” on my list of creative endeavors and has it happened? nope. want to know…

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love for #olemiss

a long, long, long time ago, i was a young college freshman, and you know what my favorite part of going to college was? decorating my dorm room. decorating my sorority house room. decorating my summer apartment before senior year. see a trend here? the circle monogram with burlap this year, i started the college…

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