Tag Archive: dorm-decor


behind-the-scenes: paint + pegboard = dorm life, redefined!

okay, hopefully by now, y’all have seen on facebook that my latest issue of invironments magazine is out (oh, you didn’t? well, first…go to facebook + like my re-nest studio page! then, click here!) now you know that my september/october issue was all about using pegboard (a garage staple) to bring organization inside your home….

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dorm life: top places to outfit that small (but awesome!) space

so, i happened to be at my local target the other night (and this past weekend, and last week too), and i noticed a group of three adorable college students, who were scoping out the aisles for what could only be dorm room decor. no joke, they were carrying adorable cork boards, organizational funness (not…

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love for #olemiss

a long, long, long time ago, i was a young college freshman, and you know what my favorite part of going to college was? decorating my dorm room. decorating my sorority house room. decorating my summer apartment before senior year. see a trend here? the circle monogram with burlap this year, i started the college…

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