Tag Archive: custom-nursery-artwork


post #100! (oh, and a black friday special too!)

well, well, well. here we are. after almost three years, we’ve made it to post #100. you know how on tv shows they roll out a big cake when episode #100 hits? yeah, well, there won’t be a cake today (this mama is still trying desperately to lose the last of the baby weight), but instead of…

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a super special special delivery

i finally got my act together. five months (and one looming craft show) later, i finally, finally, finally designed and created one of my special delivery canvas wall art pieces for little mr. re-nest #2. it had been on my to-do list forever, but with the show this weekend, i really wanted to be able…

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being commissioned…

many of the pieces that i feature on my store are ones that are born from my very own little head…ideas that are inspired by kiddos’ bedding i see, or a color palette, or from something that i think little mr. re-nest would like. something that i also do is work with clients directly on…

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